Co-generation is a procedure through which useful electric and thermal energy is obtained, the advantage of this method is its great energetic efficiency since it takes advantage of the heat and the mechanical or electrical energy of one only process, another advantage that is not small, is that when producing electricity close to the point of consumption, there is prevention in changes of tension and long distance transportation, which represent a notable loss of energy through the Joule effect.

The energy is generated from the biomass that is one of the most promising ways to reduce, in important quantities, the CO2 generated by the combustion of carbon and natural gas.

Reforestadora Guacamayas is in the middle of a zone that is far away from the center of national development and it is surrounded by unconnected populations such as La Primavera, Santa Rosa Lía among others, in its flat extension it has the enough biomass quantity to co-generate energy with a stable supply for the region.